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Habitat & Plant Survey (16 years-Adult)

  • 03/26/2015
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Flag Ponds Nature Park, Lusby
  • 3


Registration is closed
For 16 years to Adults

Throughout the spring and summer, we'll revisit the plot locations from a 1990 vegetation study to assess changes in the plant communities at Flag Ponds. This information will also be used to develop the M.A.P.S. habitat structure assessment. 

Even if your plant identification skills are rusty (or lacking), helping staff and more experience volunteers record data, take photos, and create maps will allow you to learn how to identify the common and uncommon plants in the area.

Results of the survey will be posted on the M.A.P.S. web page

Dress for the weather and wear comfortable hiking shoes.

Bring a lunch and water bottle. Hand-lens, binoculars, and field guides are optional.

Location: Flag Ponds Nature Park

Register online, by mail, by email, or in person (at Battle Creek Cypress Swamp)


Download the Registration Form (pdf)

Registration Opening Dates

Programs have staggered registration dates. We advertise programs before registration opens which is why you may see that registration is closed, yet there are spaces available.  See details >

The schedule of events is subject to changed based on the status of the coronavirus response, weather, staffing, and other situations that may arise. If Calvert Nature Society or Calvert County Natural Resources Division cancels a program, a full refund will be issued. 

 Cancellation and Refund Policies

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