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Hellen Creek Explorations: Wildflowers

  • 05/12/2017
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Hellen Creek Hemlock Preserve, Lusby
  • 0


Registration is closed

For adults, although teens 16 years and older may attend.

Hellen Creek Preserve harbors part of an isolated stand of eastern hemlock, the southern-most in Maryland. We’ll keep our eye open for the spring wildflowers and songbirds, including some more characteristic of the Appalachian forest in western Maryland.  

Be prepared for some difficult terrain, with some up and down and not all on trails; steep in places and wet in others.

For more information on the Preserve:

Suggestions: Wear long pants and sleeves, good hiking shoes/boots, some areas may be muddy. Bring water bottle, snacks and/or lunch. Optional: Field guides, 10x hand lens, binoculars.

Leaders: Karyn Molines & Bob Boxwell

Free. Registration is required: 

The schedule of events is subject to changed based on the status of the coronavirus response, weather, staffing, and other situations that may arise. If Calvert Nature Society or Calvert County Natural Resources Division cancels a program, a full refund will be issued. 

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