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Monarch Larva Monitoring Project

  • 08/06/2019
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
  • Battle Creek Cypress Swamp
  • 3


  • New volunteers welcome.

Registration is closed
All Ages, under 15 with adult

Help the naturalist measure milkweed and count monarch caterpillars in the meadow.  This volunteer opportunity is one of many that will be offered through October to improve conservation efforts for monarch butterflies.

Visit for a complete listing of dates and times. Sign up for one or several of the dates.

LocationBattle Creek Cypress Swamp

Naturalist in charge:  Shannon Steele

Reservations are required by Friday, August 2.

Program Fee: Free for volunteers

What are Calvert Stewards? They are the volunteer corps of the Calvert Nature Society and the Calvert County Natural Resources Division. More information can be found on the Calvert Stewards Volunteer Page.

Registration Opening Dates

Programs have staggered registration dates. We advertise programs before registration opens which is why you may see that registration is closed, yet there are spaces available.  See details >

The schedule of events is subject to changed based on the status of the coronavirus response, weather, staffing, and other situations that may arise. If Calvert Nature Society or Calvert County Natural Resources Division cancels a program, a full refund will be issued. 

 Cancellation and Refund Policies

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