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Summer Camp

Questions about Summer Camp? Send an email to the Natural Resources Division or call during business hours: 410-535-5327.

Summer Camp Forms

Due to Maryland Health Regulations, there are forms and information required of every camper.  Any forms needed (outside of the information in the online registration) are due 2 weeks before the start of camp. 

Members are not allowed to register non-members for summer camps. Each family must register under their own account.

We have a checklist to make sure you have all the information required for registration.

Review the Checklist before registering

Summer camp forms

Camp Letters & Information will be available in June 

2025 Summer camp Registration opens

March 7 for Members; March 21 for Non-members

Join or Renew Today

Summer Camp 2025

    • 06/23/2025
    • 06/27/2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Flag Ponds Nature Park
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    For children entering grades 3-5 in fall 2025

    Campers will wade through waves to seine for fish, dip-net in tidal ponds, and search for shells and fossils along the shore. They’ll explore sandy dunes and discover cool marine adaptations with hands-on science activities. From sandcastle engineering to creating ocean art, it’s the ultimate beach adventure where science meets sandy fun!

    Registration deadline: June 1

    Naturalist in Charge: Tania Gale

    Registration Fee per camper
    Society members: $ 250
    Nonmembers: $350

    Daily Schedule: Location: Flag Ponds Nature Park

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    Thursday-Friday - camp begins at 6:00 p.m. Thursday with a cookout for campers AND their families and goes overnight (overnight is for campers ONLY) to 9:00a.m. Friday. 

    No camp after 9:00 a.m. Friday or before 6:00 p.m. on Thursday.

    NOTE: Campers will be sleeping in tents outside, 2 to a tent.

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

    • 06/23/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 06/27/2025
    • 3:00 PM
    • Varies, see description
    • 6

    For children entering grades 6-8 grade in fall 2025

    Take your interest in birds to the next level with this camp. From the forest to the shore we will be learning about the many species of birds that call our area home. We will teach you how to identify birds by their song and appearance as well as learn about their behaviors and places they call home. This year we will be visiting a bird banding station, and going on a trip out of the county to expand the numbers of species we can see! Bring your binoculars and your camera for a fun adventure. 

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

    Advanced Reservations are required

    Please Register By: Friday May 25,2025

    Naturalist in Charge: Gene Groshon

    Registration Fee per camper: 
    Society members: $250
    Nonmembers: $350

    Location and times vary by day. The schedule below could be subject to change due to weather but we will do our best to maintain with the original plan.

    Daily Schedule:

    Monday 6/24: Flag Ponds Nature Park 9:00am-3:00pm

    • Special activity: Beach Hike

    Tuesday 6/25: Battle Creek Cypress Swamp 9:00am-3:00pm

    • Special Activity: Prothonotary Warbler Surveys

    Wednesday 6/26: Gatewood Preserve 5:30am-11:30am

    • Special Activity: Field research bird banding project

    Thursday 6/27: Location: Kings Landing Park Time: 6:00am-3:00pm

    • Special Activity: Hart Miller Island Trip

    Friday 6/28: Location: Flag Ponds Nature Park Time: 5:00pm-10:00pm

    • Special Activity: Campfire Dinner and Night Hike

    • 06/30/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 07/03/2025
    • 3:00 PM
    • varies, see description
    • 1

    For children entering 3rd-5th grades in fall 2025

    If you love everything the water has to offer in the hot summer months then this camp is for you! We will splash and play the week away, exploring different natural bodies of water every day and learning what makes each place special. Campers should be comfortable entering natural bodies of water up to their waist. We will be wading into local creeks, swamps, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay.

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

    "Welcome to Camp" letter and packing list will be sent out and posted online in June.

    Naturalist in Charge: Kim Curren

    Registration Fee per camper:  
    Members: $195
    Nonmembers: $285

    Advanced Reservations are required

    Please Register By: June 9

    Location: Varies, see below for daily schedule

    Monday: Kings Landing Park
    Tuesday: Battle Creek Cypress Swamp
    Wednesday: Flag Ponds Nature Park
    Thursday: Flag Ponds Nature Park

    • 07/07/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 07/11/2025
    • 3:00 PM
    • Battle Creek Cypress Swamp
    • 6

    For children entering 9th-12th grades in fall 2025

    A career in the natural resources field can include many different jobs, including important research and conservation projects. This camp will allow you to get a hands-on, behind the scenes look at several wildlife research projects that are currently active in Calvert County and other parts of the state. This is your chance to talk to staff in the field, collect valuable data, and learn more about the animals in your backyard! Come prepared to get up close with wildlife and see things from an all new perspective.

    Naturalist in Charge: Kim Curren

    Fee per camper:  
    Members: $250
    Nonmembers: $350

    Advanced Reservations are required

    Please Register By: June 9

    Note: This camp includes an overnight experience on Thursday, where we will learn about wildlife research projects that happen after the sun goes down. Then we will sleep in tents at one of our Calvert County Parks to prepare for an early day of bird research on Friday morning.

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

    "Welcome to Camp" letter and packing list will be sent out and posted online in June.

    Location: Drop-off and pickup daily at Battle Creek Cypress Swamp

    Times vary, see below for daily schedule

    Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    Thursday: 4:00 p.m. - overnight to Friday
    Friday: Pickup at 12:00 p.m.

    • 07/08/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 07/11/2025
    • 2:00 PM
    • Flag Ponds Nature Park
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    For children going into grades 1-2 in fall 2025

    Discover the world of Creepy Crawlies. This camp dives into the fascinating lives of worms, insects, and other often overlooked creatures. Through hands-on exploration, critter hunts, and nature crafts, campers will learn about habitats, life cycles, and the importance of these creatures in our world.

    Registration deadline: June 1

    Registration Fee per camper:
    Members: $130
    Nonmembers: $190

    Naturalist in Charge:  Tania Gale 

    Tuesday - Friday (no camp on Monday)

    9:00am - 2:00pm each day


    Tuesday and Wednesday: Kings Landing Park

    Thursday and Friday: Flag Ponds Nature Park

    "Welcome to Camp" letter and packing list can be found here in June

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

    • 07/14/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 07/18/2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Kings Landing Park
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    For children entering grades 6-8 in Fall 2025

    This week we will explore all things aquatic while learning the basics of getting around on the water safely.  We will use kayaks and canoes to get us out onto and INTO these wild water habitats - investigating with nets, water quality testing equipment – and our senses. The last 2 days of the week will be an overnight adventure to a paddle-in campsite on the Patuxent River.

    Campers should be comfortable on and in the water and should be competent swimmers.

    Registration fee includes camp water bottle, camp duffle bag, all camping fees and equipment needed, Thursday snacks, dinner and campfire with s'mores, and Friday breakfast. 

    Registration deadline: June 1

    Naturalist in Charge: Tania Gale

    Registration Fee per camper: 
    Society members:  $250
    Nonmembers: $350

    Daily Schedule

    Location: Kings Landing Park

    Monday-Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

    Thursday: 9a.m. meet for camping overnight at Milltown Landing campsite 

    Friday: camper pick up at 12:00p.m.

    No camp on Friday after 12 noon.

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

    • 07/15/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 07/18/2025
    • 2:00 PM
    • Flag Ponds Nature Park
    • 5

    For children entering 1st-2nd grades in fall 2025

    Mammals and Birds and Reptiles, oh my! Join us for a wild week of fun and discovery. Campers will explore a variety of wild animal habitats and see who lives where, and why.  Unearth the amazing world of wild animals through games, crafts, and hands-on activities, including a chance to meet and interact with turtles, snakes, and many more! 

    Naturalist in Charge: Kim Curren

    Registration Fee per camper:
    Members: $130
    Nonmembers: $190

    ter and packing list will be sent out and posted online in June.

    Calvert Nature Society 

    "Welcome to Camp" letter and packing list will be sent out and posted online in June.

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

    Advanced Reservations are required

    Please Register By: June 9

    Location: Flag Ponds Nature Park

    • 07/21/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 07/24/2025
    • 3:00 PM
    • Varies, see description
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    For children entering grades 5-6 grade in fall 2025

    The outdoors has plenty of adventures to offer!  From kayaking to hiking to campfire cooking we will travel around various parks throughout Calvert County to learn outdoor survival skills and enjoy the great outdoors. 

    Naturalist in Charge: Gene Groshon

    Registration Fee per camper: 
    Society members: $130
    Nonmembers: $190

    Advanced Reservations are required

    Please Register By: Friday June 27,2025

    **Locations and times will be finalized and listed before registration opens.**

    Location and times vary by day. The schedule below could be subject to change due to weather but we will do our best to maintain with the original plan.  

    Daily Schedule:

    Monday 7/21: Location: TBD 9:00am-3:00pm

    Tuesday 7/22: Location: TBD 9:00am-3:00pm

    Wednesday 7/23:  Kings Landing Park Time: 9:00am-3:00pm

    Thursday 7/24: Location: Flag Ponds Nature Park Time: 9:00am-3:00pm

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

    • 07/29/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 08/01/2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Flag Ponds Nature Park
    • 5

    For children ages 4-5 years old by time of camp

    Children must be bathroom independent

    Little campers will spend this week taking a close look at the plants and animals that live at Flag Ponds Nature Park. Each day we will go on mini adventures throughout the park to explore our natural world. We’ll use our senses and scientific tools like hand lenses and nets to explore. Nature-related games, songs, and crafts round out our days.

    Naturalist in Charge: Tania Gale

    Fee per camper:
    Members: $120
    Nonmembers: $175

    LocationFlag Ponds Nature Park

    Is your camper nervous about being on their own at camp?  Come for our optional "Meet the Naturalist" day at Flag Ponds Nature Park on July 23 at 10am. More information will be sent to registered participants.

    Registration deadline: June 1

    Tuesday - Friday (no camp on Monday)

    9:00am - 12:00pm each day

    "Welcome to Camp" letter and packing list can be found here in early July

    Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

Past events

10/18/2024 Life on the Edge Overnight
08/05/2024 Art Adventures in Nature Camp
08/05/2024 Creature Feature Summer Camp
07/30/2024 Little Explorers Summer Camp
07/22/2024 Trailblazers Hiking Camp
07/15/2024 Wild Waters Summer Camp
07/09/2024 Night Owls Summer Camp
07/08/2024 Bug Bonanza Camp
07/01/2024 Wet & Wonderful Water Camp
06/24/2024 Birding Adventures Summer Camp
06/24/2024 Marvelous Mud Summer Camp
10/20/2023 Life on the Edge Overnight
07/31/2023 Wild Waters Summer Camp
07/25/2023 Little Explorers Summer Camp - PM Session
07/25/2023 Little Explorers Summer Camp - AM Session
07/17/2023 Peak Baggers Hiking Summer Camp
07/17/2023 Creature Feature Summer Camp
07/11/2023 Night Owls Summer Camp
07/05/2023 Wet & Wonderful Water Summer Camp!
06/26/2023 Birding Adventures Summer Camp
06/26/2023 Marvelous Mud Summer Camp
08/02/2022 Night Owls Summer Camp
07/26/2022 Swamp Sleuths Summer Camp - PM session
07/26/2022 Swamp Sleuths Summer Camp - AM session
07/25/2022 Outdoor Art Adventures Camp
07/19/2022 Creature Feature Summer Camp
07/11/2022 River Runners Summer Camp
07/05/2022 Wet & Wonderful Water Camp
07/05/2022 Birding Adventures Summer Camp
06/27/2022 Marvelous Mud Summer Camp
08/02/2021 Outdoor Skills Summer Camp
07/19/2021 Nature Photography Camp
07/19/2021 New Adventures Summer Camp
07/12/2021 River Runners Summer Camp
07/05/2021 Trailblazers Hiking Camp
06/29/2021 Night Owls Summer Camp
06/21/2021 Birding Adventures Summer Camp
06/21/2021 Marvelous Mud Summer Camp
07/20/2020 Mad Science LIVE online
08/05/2019 Summer Camp: Outdoor Art Adventures
08/05/2019 Summer Camp: Outdoor Skills
07/29/2019 Summer Camp: Early Explorers PM
07/29/2019 Summer Camp: Early Explorers AM
07/29/2019 Summer Camp: Exploring Environmental Careers
07/22/2019 Summer Camp: Nature Photography
07/15/2019 Summer Camp: Mountains to the Bay
07/08/2019 Summer Camp: Birding Adventures
07/08/2019 Summer Camp: Where the Wild Things Are
06/24/2019 Summer Camp: Creature Feature
06/24/2019 Summer Camp: Marvelous Mud
08/06/2018 Summer Camp: Outdoor Skills
07/30/2018 Summer Camp: Early Explorers PM
07/30/2018 Summer Camp: Early Explorers AM
07/23/2018 Summer Camp: Nature Photography Camp
07/16/2018 Summer Camp: Mountains to the Bay
07/09/2018 Summer Camp: It's a Wild, Wet, World
07/09/2018 Summer Camp: Birding Adventures Camp
06/25/2018 Summer Camp: Creature Feature
06/25/2018 Summer Camp: Marvelous Mud
07/31/2017 Summer Camp: Early Explorers PM
07/31/2017 Summer Camp: Early Explorers AM
07/31/2017 Summer Camp: Outdoor Skills
07/24/2017 Summer Camp: Nature Kids
07/17/2017 Summer Camp: Native American Camp
07/11/2017 Summer Camp: Lives of Reptiles & Amphibians
07/10/2017 Summer Camp: Mountains to the Bay
07/05/2017 Summer Camp: Patuxent Paddlers (CANCELLED)
07/03/2017 Summer Camp: Nature Photography Camp
06/26/2017 Summer Camp: Marvelous Mud Camp
06/26/2017 Summer Camp: Creature Feature
08/01/2016 Summer Camp: Into the Wild
08/01/2016 Summer Camp: Bio Blitz Camp
07/25/2016 Summer Camp: Patuxent Paddlers
07/25/2016 Summer Camp: Nature Photography Camp
07/18/2016 Summer Camp: Sons of the Forest
07/18/2016 Summer Camp: Nature Girls
07/11/2016 Summer Camp: Mountains to the Bay
07/05/2016 Summer Camp: Adventure Camp
07/05/2016 Summer Camp: Creature Feature
06/27/2016 Summer Camp: Early Explorers PM
06/27/2016 Summer Camp: Water World
06/27/2016 Summer Camp: Early Explorers AM
08/03/2015 Summer Camp: Nature Photography Camp
07/27/2015 Summer Camp: Wild Things
07/27/2015 Summer Camp: Early Explorers Session B
07/20/2015 Summer Camp: Outdoor Adventure Camp for Girls
07/20/2015 Summer Camp: Sons of the Forest
07/13/2015 Summer Camp: Adventure Camp
07/13/2015 Summer Camp: Ornithology Camp
07/06/2015 Summer Camp: Herpetology Camp
07/06/2015 Summer Camp: Mountains to the Bay
06/29/2015 Summer Camp: Wet, Wild, and Wonderful
06/29/2015 Summer Camp: Early Explorers Session A
08/04/2014 Summer Camp: Wild Things (1st-2nd grades)
07/28/2014 Summer Camp: Nature Photography Camp (4th-6th grades)
07/21/2014 Summer Camp: Water Watchers (9th-11th grade)
07/14/2014 Summer Camp: Outdoor Adventure Camp for Girls (grades 2-4)
07/14/2014 Summer Camp: Sons of the Forest (2nd-4th grades)
07/07/2014 Summer Camp: Herpetology Camp (1st-2nd grades)
07/07/2014 Summer Camp: From the Mountains to the Bay (6th-8th grade)
06/30/2014 Summer Camp: Hooked on Fishing (6th-8th grades)
06/30/2014 Summer Camp: Backyard Explorers (4-5 years)
06/23/2014 Summer Camp: Wet, Wild, and Wonderful (3rd-5th grades)
06/23/2014 Summer Camp: Adventure Camp (7th-9th grades)
04/16/2014 Salamander Soiree - Teen Spring Camp
01/18/2014 Winter Camp 2014
11/11/2013 Trial by Fire (for girls, 12-16 years)
08/05/2013 Summer Camp: From the Mountains to the Bay (6th-8th grade)
08/05/2013 Summer Camp: Our Animal Friends (4-5 years)
07/29/2013 Summer Camp: From the Mountains to the Bay (6th-8th grade)
07/22/2013 Summer Camp: Nature Photography Camp (4th-6th grades)
07/22/2013 Summer Camp: Yuckology (1st-2nd grades)
07/15/2013 Summer Camp: Sons of the Forest (2nd-4th grades)
07/15/2013 Summer Camp: Outdoor Adventure Camp for Girls (grades 2-4)
07/10/2013 Summer Camp: Hand in Hand – Discovery Trails (ages 3-5 with adult)
07/08/2013 Summer Camp: Camp Skills: Earth, Air, Fire, Water (3rd-5th grades)
06/24/2013 Summer Camp: Herpetology Camp (1st-2nd grades)
06/24/2013 Summer Camp: Walk on the Wet Side (3rd-5th grades)
06/17/2013 Summer Camp: Junior Rangers (5th - 8th grades)
01/21/2013 Winter Adventures Camp

Summer Camp by Grade

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