In 1990, Calvert County Department of Planning and Zoning contracted with John Hench, PhD. to study the natural resources and habitat of the Flag Ponds area. The objective of the study was to give a general picture of the Flag Ponds habitat by the development of maps as well as a permanent survey of the plants of thirty randomly selected sites based on a 500-foot grid interval.
The objective of the 2016 volunteer conducted survey, initiated by Karyn Molines, Calvert County Natural Resources Division Chief, was much less extensive. The goal was to simply find the original thirty sites and to do a cursory evaluation of the change or lack of change in the habitats.
Calvert Stewards Mary and Gordon Burton worked for 3 years researching the project, surveying plots, and summarizing the findings. Without their dedication, this project would not have been completed.
Flag Ponds Comparative Habitat Study
1990 Report (3.7 MD pdf)
Report SectionsI. Introduction (pdf) II. A. Herbaceous Plants Summary (pdf) II. B. Wood Plants Summary (pdf) III. Site Descriptions (With maps, pictures, comparisons, and plant lists for 2015/2016 survey based on NAD 83) A. Coastal Sites (3.2 MB pdf) B. Upland Sites (3.7 MB pdf) IV. Environmental Changes (pdf) V. Habitat Changes (pdf) VI. Summary (pdf) VII. Appendices Appendix A. Ten meter plot studies- 2015/2016: Methodology A-1. Sample forms used in plot studies A-2. Coastal sites A-3. Upland sites Appendix B. Comparison of 1990 NAD 83 Grid to 2015 Appendix C. 1990 Vegetation Habitat Type and Water Regime Appendix D. 1990 Plot Locations at Flag Ponds Nature Park | Mary and Gordon Burton, hard at work. Volunteers in the SurveysCindy Barnhart, Cynthia Bravo, Dorothy Brewer-Pecson, Ritchie Casimer, Matt Davis, Josh Ford, Lindsay Hollister, Gale Kladitis, Alex Knight, Chris Makrakis, Vicki Marckel, Roseanne Markhan, Joe Metzger, Elizabeth Miller, Matt Salo, Pam Sarvis, Mary Stuart Sierra, Jim Stasz, Joseph Willette, Michael Wilpers and other one-time participants in the 2015 habitat surveys. |