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Prothonotary Warbler Nest Box Study

Prothonotary Warblers migrate to Central and South America during the winter but can nest in our area during the summer. Even though these warblers are labeled as a species of least concern by IUCN, their local breeding populations are in danger. Because Prothonotary Warblers have specific habitat requirements, they are extremely susceptible to habitat loss.

Calvert County Natural Resources has installed nest boxes locally to provide breeding habitat for this cavity nesting species. Annually, during the nesting season we monitor the boxes to collect data for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s NestWatch.

In addition we also band the adults and nestlings to see if they return or are recaptured elsewhere.  Adults that we band will also get plastic color bands that allow us to identify the individual bird with binoculars rather than having to recapture it. The data collect can help show the importance of our parks as necessary breeding sites.

This program is funded by Calvert County Natural Resources with support from the Calvert Nature Society.

2024 Season


At Battle Creek Cypress Swamp we had:

2 successful Prothonotary Warbler nests fledgling 8 young

A nesting attempt was also observed in a natural a cavity in a cypress knee.

Flag Ponds Nature Park and Ward Farm Recreation and Nature Park did not have any nesting Prothonotary Warblers.


This season we color banded 4 adults (2 male and 2  females) and banded 4 nestlings.*

Adults banded in 2024 have an orange color band on their right leg.

*Nestlings are not color banded due to their low survival rate during their first year of life.

How You can Help

Track banded Prothonotary Warblers in our park while you hike the boardwalk. Prothonotary Warbler Project Observation Form (pdf)

Become a volunteer and help monitor nest boxes at our parks.

Nest Box Locations

  • Battle Creek Cypress Swamp
  • Flag Ponds Nature Park
  • Ward Farm Recreation and Nature Park

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