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Your membership helps keep Calvert County in Nature.  Tax-deductible gifts help Calvert Nature Society educate and raise awareness of our natural world, as helps support the county as it preserves and maintains these landscapes. Be a part of a growing community of individuals, businesses, and organizations that support Calvert County's nature parks.

Member Benefits

  • Program schedule updates
  • Notification of special events
  • Invitations to member-only programs
  • Discounts on events and education programs, including summer camp
  • Early registration for events, programs and camps

Member Levels

  • Individual: $25
  • Family: $30
  • Friend: $50
  • Sustaining: $100

Note that all levels, except Individual, includes benefit for all people in your household (adults, children, and caregivers) although only two names will be listed on your membership.

Renewing your Membership?

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Having an account on this web site is not the same as having a membership. Log in to your profile to determine if you are an active member or not. If there is no membership information on your profile after you log in , you are not a member.

 Not ready to join? You can sign up for our Email only list.

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Support Our Mission: Sponsorship Opportunities

By becoming a sponsor, you join us in driving meaningful change through conservation, education, and community involvement. Our structured sponsorship levels offer exclusive benefits and recognition tailored to your contributions. Explore our sponsorship tiers and help us make an impact!


About us

Calvert Nature Society is dedicated to the protection and preservation of Calvert County’s natural heritage and the creation of an environmentally literate and aware community. We provide opportunities for appreciation and understanding of our natural world through our outreach initiatives and in support of the mission of the Calvert County Natural Resources Division. The Society is a 501(c)3 organization.

Become a member

Your membership helps keep Nature in Calvert County. Tax-deductible gifts help Calvert Nature Society educate and raise awareness of our natural world, as helps support the county as it preserves and maintains these landscapes. Be a part of a growing community of individuals, businesses, and organizations that support Calvert County's nature parks.

Contact us

For General Information, Event Registrations, and Facility Reservations:


For Volunteer Opportunities:

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