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Creature Feature Summer Camp

  • 07/15/2025
  • 9:00 AM
  • 07/18/2025
  • 2:00 PM
  • Flag Ponds Nature Park
  • 15


Registration is closed

For children entering 1st-2nd grades in fall 2025

Mammals and Birds and Reptiles, oh my! Join us for a wild week of fun and discovery. Campers will explore a variety of wild animal habitats and see who lives where, and why.  Unearth the amazing world of wild animals through games, crafts, and hands-on activities, including a chance to meet and interact with turtles, snakes, and many more! 

Naturalist in Charge: Kim Curren

Registration Fee per camper:
Members: $130
Nonmembers: $190

ter and packing list will be sent out and posted online in June.

Calvert Nature Society 

"Welcome to Camp" letter and packing list will be sent out and posted online in June.

Calvert Nature Society reserves the right to modify and/or change camp program activities and structure based on health, safety, and other variable factors.

Advanced Reservations are required

Please Register By: June 9

Location: Flag Ponds Nature Park

Registration Opening Dates

Programs have staggered registration dates. We advertise programs before registration opens which is why you may see that registration is closed, yet there are spaces available.  See details >

The schedule of events is subject to changed based on the status of the coronavirus response, weather, staffing, and other situations that may arise. If Calvert Nature Society or Calvert County Natural Resources Division cancels a program, a full refund will be issued. 

 Cancellation and Refund Policies

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